Monday, September 24, 2007

The Start of Something

My life has either been designed interesting or I have been given the chance to make it interesting or it is just me who finds it interesting whereas it is just another life. In any of these options the Least Common Multiple is that I find it very interesting.
The events happening in my life for the past 5 0r 6 or perhaps 20 years or so have been no less than an epic which is worth a read in most of the Indian schools. Although the students might need tuitions for the same if it is introduced in one of the courses, I feel it an opportunity to create some additional jobs for those tutors, on the cost of such heaps of extra currency that scores of people have today.
Enough of kidding about my life and that too without giving any clue about what I am talking about. But I guess I just don't want to tell. The only purpose of penning something down at this age of my life is to make some bullet points somewhere so that if one day after twenty years I want to remember how I used to feel at the age of 23 (though this number is just about 2.5 weeks away from changing), I will have some clues to actually get back into the mentality I am at the moment.
How I feel at the moment? I feel different from the huge crowd. I feel to have stepped out of the rats running down the unknown road, momentarily if not permanently. I feel very mature. I feel very excited. I feel creative again (which is a big positive change). I feel ready again to learn. I feel inspired. I feel brilliant. I feel special. I feel much of it, that I really want to write about it at least for sometime, as it is going to be so unique that I can't afford to trust my memory, which is in fact nothing to boast about.
My next posts will be a bit more elaborative and direct. So, if you are really interested, I won't mind sharing this very special journey I am about to begin.


prabhat said...

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.
all the very best!

Harpreet said...

Morgen, I don't know the real identity of yours, but a big thanks anyways.

prabhat said...

'real identity' is as meaningless as 'life'...btw people know me as Prabhat [;-)]