Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Der aaye durusat aaye!

Finally, after heaps and piles of requests to write something on the real part of me, I have given up and intend to use this space to write some of the observations I keep making everyday, which cannot always be made into stories, not because I want to open my life to anyone and everyone, but primarily to remind me of these incidents which I will start narrating from my next post, when I have grandchildren thanks to the acute shortage of memory I have. Do you realize that it was just one sentence which you just read? About why I chose Malgudi Nites as the blog adress, don't think about it much, it is simply because Malgudi Days is kept on the same table at the moment which hosts my comp, the same comp that has forced me to move from wordpress simply because it does not allow me to login there.
Actually there is no hiding the fact that I love people reading my musings, especially who are close to me. And if you are one of those whom I am talking about and if you keep coming here frequently, I shall keep posting.


Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am just feelin so left out.... Its been three months n mujhae khabar tak nahi??? Anyways I am quite amazed by your work. BEST OF LUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

"Der aaye durust aaye"
aane kae itnae samay(one year n 3 months to be precise) baad bhi kyon chupae rahe aap???